Sunday, January 13, 2019

Gold Streak - Fun survey questions contest

Gold Streak
Your objective is to correctly guess the most popular or least popular answers to fun survey questions. Build one of the longest streaks of correctly-answered questions

Each day you may play two games free, plus up to 13 additional games for TCredits or EZ Express tokens, 

There are three rounds of questions. Each time you guess the correct answer, your streak will advance by one and your stack of “gold coins” on the right will get grow taller.
In the first (“bronze”) round, you will be presented with five randomly-chosen survey questions.  For each question, your objective is to guess which of two answers was the most popular.

In the second (“silver”) round, you will be presented with another five randomly-chosen survey questions.  In this round, for each question, your objective is to guess which of three answers was the leastpopular.

In the third and final “gold” round, the number of questions you can answer is infinite.  That is, the system will keep feeding you new questions and your streak will keep growing as long as you keep guessing the correct answer.  In this round, for each question, your objective is to guess which of four answers was EITHER the most or leastpopular (as specified for each question).


  • For questions in the first (bronze) round, you have 5 minutes to answer
  • For questions in the second (silver) round, you have 4 minutes to answer
  • For questions in the third (gold) round, you have 3 minutes to answer
So be sure to keep your focus!

Haven’t played Gold Streak yet?

Play for FREE 2 times daily to win  exclusive t-shirt and other great prizes.
  Exciting league play with your friends and SFI team members is also available!

Play Gold Streak  HERE

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