Friday, January 27, 2017

Play Gold Streak




In Gold Streak, your objective is to correctly guess the most and least popular answers to survey questions.  Build the longest streaks of correctly-answered questions to earn cool badges, bragging rights, and compete for the top spots on the Gold Streak leaderboards.
Play free twice daily, and more games for as little as one TCredit. No purchase necessary to win.
Enter to play Gold Streak at: 
You can also play Gold Streak in conjunction with our broader “Streakasphere” contest where you can compete for the longest day-to-day streak.  Details on Streakasphere below.


Each day you may play two games free, plus up to 13 additional games for TCredits or EZ Express tokens, as follows:
  • Game 1 = free
  • Game 2 = free
  • Game 3 = 1 TCredit
  • Game 4 = 1 TCredit
  • Etc.


You may play a maximum of 15 times each day. Players are also limited to a maximum of 5 wins per day (a win is defined as achieving the longest streak of the day).


There are three rounds of questions. Each time you guess the correct answer, your streak will advance by one and your stack of “gold coins” on the right will get grow taller.
In the first (“bronze”) round, you will be presented with five randomly-chosen survey questions.  For each question, your objective is to guess which of two answers was the most popular.
In the second (“silver”) round, you will be presented with another five randomly-chosen survey questions.  In this round, for each question, your objective is to guess which of three answers was the least popular.
In the third and final “gold” round, the number of questions you can answer is infinite.  That is, the system will keep feeding you new questions and your streak will keep growing as long as you keep guessing the correct answer.  In this round, for each question, your objective is to guess which of four answers was EITHER the most or least popular (as specified for each question).
Remember, as this is VERY important…you will choose the most popular answers in the first round and the least popular answers in the second round.  And in the third round, you will get a mix of questions–some requiring that you choose the most popular answer…and some requiring the least popular answer, so be sure to keep your focus!


  • For questions in the first (bronze) round, you have 5 minutes to answer
  • For questions in the second (silver) round, you have 4 minutes to answer
  • For questions in the third (gold) round, you have 3 minutes to answer
When the clock is down to 30 seconds, a chime will sound–provided you have sound enabled–to let you know you need to answer soon.
Note: Since the timer on your computer may be off slightly from our official timer due to latency, always try to answer with at least 10 seconds remaining on the clock.


At any time during the game, if you don’t think you know the answer, you can pass on a question.  You can pass up to three times total each game.  All passes add to your streak (and also earn you MRP and Poll Points).  The cost to use your first pass is 1 TCredit.  The cost to use your second pass is 3 TCredits.  The cost to use your third and final pass is 5 TCredits.


If you need help with an answer, open a second window in your browser and use a search engine like Google or Yahoo.  By searching on one or more of the keywords in the question and/or answers, you may be able to find information that will help you choose the correct answer.


When you encounter the questions that ask you to pick the LEAST popular answer, it can really mess with your head!  But here’s an easy way to deal with it:  Just modify the question in your mind to make it read the opposite way.  For example, if the question is, “What’s the ugliest animal?”…change it in your mind to “What’s the cutest animal?”  Reading it this way out loud will also help.  Using these tricks, it’s MUCH easier to choose the correct answer.


Achieving the longest streaks each day is fun and challenging, but that’s just the beginning of Eager Zebra “streak fun”  Each day, if you “reach the Streakasphere” in Gold Streak, you’ll extend your broader, day-to-day streak.  That is, you can build a 10-day streak, a 30-day streak, a 90-day streak, or even longer!
So what exactly does it take to “reach the Streakasphere?”  The Streakasphere is defined as the average Gold Streak streak for the last ten days (rounded down to the closest whole number).  So if for the last ten days the average streak achieved in Gold Streak for EVERY player, for every game, was 7.4, then to get credited with reaching the Streakasphere today, you’ll need to achieve a streak of at least SEVEN.
To trumpet your streak prowess, there are several Streakasphere Streak badges (see BADGES section below for more information).
Note: There is a maximum of 12 plays of Gold Streak per day, so if your objective is to extend your Streakasphere streak, make sure you reach the Streakasphere within 12 plays!


Just as Trivia Points are awarded for correctly answering Knockout Trivia questions, in Gold Streak you’ll earn Poll Points for each correctly answered survey (poll) question.
  • Earn 5 points for each question answered correctly in the first (bronze) round
  • Earn 8 points for each question answered correctly in the second (silver) round
  • Earn 12 points for each question answered correctly in the third (gold) round
Your total cumulative number of Poll Points you’ve earned are recorded on the Poll Points Leaderboard…and badges, based on your Leaderboard rank, can be attained (see BADGES section below for more information).
Note: So that everyone can compete equally, Poll Points you’ve earned are halved every 30 days.

MRP and VP

Each TCredit spent playing Gold Streak earns you 5 MRP (Member Rewards Points)–which can be redeemed on over 90,000 TripleClicks products.  If you are also an SFI Affiliate, you’ll also earn one VersaPoint for each play of Gold Streak (max. 200/month).


In the sidebar on the left side, starting with your second question, you will see, “XX players today have equalled or exceeded your current streak.”  This little bit of information is valuable because it helps you gauge how close you are to posting a top streak for the day.  A very large number probably means you’re not going to qualify (i.e. there are MANY who have achieved a longer streak than you today).  Conversely, a small number may indicate your streak will qualify as one of the longest of the day.  That said, keep in mind that it’s relative because it can only provide you with feedback for games that have been completed so far today; it cannot be definitive until the last game has been played for the day.


The Streaks Leaderboard provides rankings for:
  • Longest single-game Gold Streak streak (all-time, today, last 30/60/90 days)
  • Longest Streakasphere streak (current and all-time)
The Poll Points Leaderboard provides rankings for:
  • Most Poll Points
Note: So that all players have the opportunity to reach the top of the leaderboard, Poll Points won are halved every 30 days.
Being amongst the top spots on the Streaks Leaderboard and Poll Points Leaderboard also earns you badges (see following BADGES section for more information).

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